National Service Scheme was launched in the year 1969, the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhiji. It aims at developing the personality of students through community service. It is the massive youth programme in educational institutions to bridge the campus and community. The educated youth who are expected to take the reins of administration in future are found to be unaware of the needs and problems of the villages / slums. Therefore, it is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students and to provide them with an opportunity to work with the people in the villages / slums. It is felt that their interaction with the realities of life can bring about a change in their social perception.

The National Service Scheme, a permanent student-youth programme has been brought under the central sector scheme from the year 2016-17 and the grant is received from the Government of India. The Motto of NSS is Not Me, But You. A wide range of activities under this programme aim at inculcating positive values, improving leadership qualities, enhancing employability skills and promoting national integration, social harmony, healthy life styles, etc. These activities are carried out under two major areas namely, Regular and Special Camping Programmes. At present, there are 45500 NSS Volunteers in 352 Polytechnic Colleges spread all over Tamil Nadu.

The Directorate has instituted 42 NSS Awards to recognize the outstanding contribution of Polytechnic Colleges (NSS Units), Programme Officers and Volunteers during the DOTE NSS Silver Jubilee Year. The Directorate and the Programme Coordinator received the prestigious National NSS Award during the year 2005-06.


Growth Of NSS In Polytechnic Colleges X
HandBook NSS 20 21
List Of Polytechnic Colleges X