All India Council for Technical Education  (Establishment of Mechanism for Grievance Redressal ) Regulation 2012, dated 25th May 2012, has been framed All India Council for Technical Education (Redressal of Grievance of students)  Regulations, 2019 has been published in official Gazette of India on 19-11-2019.  These regulations are aimed at addressing and effectively resolving grievances of students of AICTE approved Technical Institutions.          

As per the regulation all aggrieved students are required to approach student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) appointed by the concerned institution for redressal of their grievances.  In case they are not satisfied with decision of the SGRC, they may approach OMBUDSPERSON to be appointed under these Regulations.

Appointment, Tenure, Removal and conditions of services of OMBUDSPERSON, as stipulated under clause 6 of these Regulations, are as under:

  1. Each affiliating University, Technical University, Private University, Deemed to be University shall appoint Ombudsperson for redressal of grievances of students under the UGC (Redress of Grievances of students ) Regulations, 2019.
  2. There shall be one or more part time functionaries designated as Ombudsperson to hear, and decide on, appeals preferred against the decision of the SGRCs.
  3. For institutions which are offering diploma level course(s) and are affiliated to Board of Technical Education (BTE), the concerned Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) shall appoint an Ombudsperson for redressal of grievances of students.
  4. For institutions which are not affiliated to Anna University and offering Diploma, Post Diploma, Post Graduate Certificate, Post Graduate Diploma Course(s) in Management, Computer Applications & Travel and Tourism, the Council shall appoint an Ombudsperson for redressal of grievances of students.
  5. The Ombudsperson shall be a Retired District judge or a retired Vice Chancellor or Professor (who has worked as Dean/HOD and 10 years experience as Professor at State/Central Universities/Institutions of eminence).
  6. The Ombudsperson shall not, at the time of appointment, during one year before appointment or in the course of his tenure as Ombudsperson, be in a conflict of interest with the Institution where his/her personal relationship, professional affiliation or financial interest may compromise or reasonably appear to compromise, the independence of judgement toward the institution.
  7. The Ombudsperson shall be appointed for a period of three years or until he or she attains the age of 70 years, whichever is earlier, from the date of assuming office and shall be eligible for reappointment for another one term for the same State of region, as the case may be.
  8. For conducting the hearings, the Ombudsperson shall be paid a sitting fee, per diem, in accordance with the norms fixed by the Council, and shall, in addition, be eligible for reimbursement of the expenditure incurred on conveyance.
  9. The State Government, in the case of an Ombudsperson of a State, and the Council (for Council appointed Ombudsperson), may  remove the Ombudsperson from office, on charges of proven misconduct or misbehaviour as defined under these Regulations.
  10. No order of removal of Ombudsperson shall be made except after an inquiry made in this regard by a person not below the rank of judge of the High Court in which a reasonable opportunity of being heard is given to the Ombudsperson.