
Welcome to the Website of Directorate of Technical Education (DoTE)

· All viewers may please note that the official website Directorate of Technical Education (DoTE) is as follows:

· https://www.dte.tn.gov.in

· It is noticed that fake websites are misrepresenting and misleading the candidates by putting up look-alike web pages. This department shall not be responsible in any way if any loss or damage is caused to them by such fake websites. Website related with Technical education as a service to the public.

· Although utmost care has been taken to keep data updated on the basis of information from various Institutes, Directorate of Technical Education (DoTE) is not responsible and disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site. The Information within the site is periodically updated.

· DoTE shall not be held responsible for any loss or legal implications on account of flaws in the information/database.

· Please note that this page also provides links to the websites / web pages of Govt. Ministries/Departments/Organisations. The content of these websites are owned by the respective organisations and they may be contacted for any further information or suggestion, DoTE is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites.