Launching of CIICP and its sustainability

  The Canada India Institutional Cooperation Project (CIICP) is a Human Resource Development Project in Technical Education Department, launched in the year 1991 through a Memorandum of Understanding between Government of Canada and Government of India. The project was funded by Government of Canada through Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The Project was implemented from 1993-1999 by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) under the overall direction of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. When the project aided by the Canadian Government came to an end in March 1999, it came under the exclusive control of Government of Tamil Nadu. The project initiatives are being replicated and implemented very effectively from the self generated fund of the Project on a sustainable and self-supporting basis in the Polytechnic Colleges in Tamil Nadu under the Policy support of Government of Tamil Nadu, without any financial commitment to the Govt. At present there are 105 polytechnics implementing the initiatives of CIICP in Tamilnadu.

State Project Coordination Unit (SPCU)

 State Project Coordination unit was established in the year 1996 at the Directorate of Technical Education to replicate the CIICP initiatives to other Polytechnics , to review and monitor the activities of the project polytechnics. Also training programs are organised for the project polytechnics in the key thrust areas of CIICP.

Thrust Areas

  CIICP Project polytechnics are implementing the CIICP initiatives for Institution Development and carrying out various activities under the thrust areas: Strategic Planning, Management Information System, Continuing Education, Staff Development, Student Services, Industry Institute Interaction, Women In Development, Environment Development and Equipment Repair Centre.

Continuing Education Courses

  Skill-oriented short-tem courses are being offered at affordable course fee to the students, public and employees of Industries under Continuing Education in project. Polytechnic Colleges implementing CIICP. Annually about 30,000 beneficiaries comprising students, public and industrial personnel are trained in various skills. Continuing Education Courses are being conducted through the Continuing Education Centre established in CIICP project polytechnics. 181 Continuing Education Courses are available in SPCU online portal for online registration ( )

1 List of Continuing Education Courses