The Government of Tamil Nadu based on the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India constituted the Committee on fixation of fee in respect of Self Financing Professional Colleges  headed by Honourable Mr Justice R.PONGIAPPAN, retired Judge of Madras High Court, vide  G.O.NO.285  Higher Education (J2) Department, DATED 23.11.2023, members of the committee are as under

1) Hon’ble Justice R.PONGIAPPAN                            Chairman

2) Chartered accountant of repute,                              Member

      Nominated by Chairman                                  

3) AICTE nominee for Technical Education /

    MCI nominee for Medical Education.                         Member                                                           

4) Independent person of repute,                                Member

      Nominated  / co-opted by Committee                                       

5) Secretary to Government, Higher Education Dept.      Member Secretary

As per the GO Ms 68 the term of the chairman and members of the committee is initially fixed for a period of one year. Subsequently the period has been extended for two more years vide GO 95 and 106. The Government constituted the new committee vide GO Ms No.226 Dated 11.07.2007 under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.V. Balasubramanian.  Subsequently the Government of Tamil nadu  vide G.O. Ms. No. 53 Dated 16.03.2020 appointed Hon’ble  Mr. Justice. K. Venkataraman as Chairman of the committee.

The Committee fixed the Fees for the Self Financing Professional colleges for the following courses.

I.   Self Finacning Engineering Colleges

II. Self Financing Medical/Dental/Paramedical/Indian System of Medicine Colleges

III. Self Financing Polytechnic Colleges

IV. Self Financing Teacher Education Colleges

V.  Self Financing Law Colleges 


1 Proposal for fixation of fees for Paramedical Courses for the academic year 2019-2020, 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 Particulars called for- Reg
2 Engineering Courses Fee fixation proposal format for the academic year 2024-2025 & 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 Particulars called for- Reg
3 Polytechnic Courses Fee fixation proposal format for the academic year 2024 -2025 2025 -2026 and 2026 -2027 Particulars called for- Reg
4 Teacher Education and Training Courses for the academic year 2024 -2025 2025 -2026 and 2026 -2027 Particulars called for- Reg
5 Proposal for fixation of fees for Paramedical Courses for the academic year 2024-2025 2025-2026 & 2026-2027 Particulars called for- Reg
6 Law College Fee fixation proposal format for the academic year 2024 -2025 2025 -2026 and 2026 -2027 Particulars called for- Reg
7 Proceeding of excess fee Committee dated 12.07.2024 in respect of self financing polytechnic, Hotel management and catering
8 Proceeding of excess fee Committee dated 12.07.2024 in respect of self financing Professional colleges
9 Proposal for fixation of fees- Self Financing course offered in Government Aided Arts and Science Colleges and Self Financing Arts and Science Colleges for the academic years 2025-2026 & 2026-2027 and 2027-2028